Getting there...

Denver to Canon City

- Take I-25 south to Colorado Springs
- Exit in the Springs at exit 140
- Go to the second light and take a right on Hwy 115
- Take HWY. 115 (AKA Nevada Avenue South) about 30 to 40 miles
- HWY. 50 West (right) to Cañon City

Canon City to Campsite

- From Cañon City go west on HWY 50 about 10 miles
- There is well marked road to the Royal Gorge bridge, you will see many rafting companies off of HWY 50 and a helicopter ride place
- Go South (left) on the road to the Royal Gorge Bridge.
- Approximately 2 miles south is a small county dirt road on your left. County Road 3a is unmarked but I will have a sign there telling you this is the place to turn.
- Once you turn left the campsite is about a mile in. There are two forks in the road, stay to the right for both.
- Follow the road around to the left after the second fork. You will see a bathroom facility. Look for the Class Five Chaos registration at the first pavilion.

You will be instructed where to set up your tent.

Canon City to American Adventure Expeditions

- AAE is 10 miles west of Cañon City on HWY 50, 2 miles past the road to the Royal Gorge Bridge in the - Dvorak’s Building.

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